Homologa®, the largest online pesticides database
Homologa® collects information on not only new pesticides but also already registered and even expired products, as well as detailed Good Agriculture Practice (GAP) data including crops, pests, doses, methods, time of application and much more.
In addition, Homologa® provides registration types (organic production, emergency approvals, parallel imports…), relevant dates (registration, expiration, last commercialization, and use…), information on seed treatments, Acute Reference Dose (ARfD) and Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) values and international Food Trade Statistics. We always provide direct links to the original sources.
Homologa® integrates several internationally recognized coding systems (IUPAC, HRAC, FRAC, IRAC, CAS numbers, EPPO codes, EU crop lists and EPA crop lists…) to offer fully standardized information, allowing users to perform comprehensive comparisons between countries.