Lexagri SAS (former Agrobase-Logigram) was founded in 1988 with the aim of collecting raw agricultural data from farm panels and plant protection databases.
Collecting agricultural data from several sources allowed specialists to perform complex agricultural data analyses across countries; however, this raw data needed to be standardized in order to offer relevant comparative results.
Homologa® was launched in 2001 with the aim of standardizing that raw agricultural data, and quickly became a market reference for pesticide and plant protection data. Over the years, Homologa® not only improved the data quality, but also extended its range to include MRLs as well. The number of sources has been increasing since it was launched, reaching a current total of 93 countries for brand registration data and over 100 countries for MRLs data.

Today, Homologa® continues to grow by adding new countries and agricultural data sources on a regular basis.
Homologa® provides superior services in the agricultural data market not only because of its substantial volume of data, but also due to the expertise offered by its highly skilled and customer-oriented team of over 15 agronomist and IT specialists.
In 2019, former Agrobase-Logigram and Lexagri merged into Lexagri SAS, and WEKA group took over the majority stake of this new entity. In 2022 FoodChain ID acquired Lexagri SAS. Hennepin Partners LLC served as financial advisor, RSM France served as accounting advisor, Gide Loyrette Nouel A.A.R.P.I. served as legal advisor in France and Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP served as legal advisor in the US to FoodChain ID. Carlsquare GmbH served as financial advisor and Astura served as legal advisor to Lexagri. This acquisition by FoodChain ID have further strengthened Homologa’s® market position as the leading online plant protection database, with over 40 years combined experience in the market.