Italy is the 7th largest country in area in the European Union (301,340 km2) and the 4th in population (59,257,566 inhabitants). According to the International Monetary Fund, Italy was ranked the 8th global economy and the 4th in Europe in 2021. Agriculture accounts for 2.2% of its total GDP and employs over 3.9% of its total workforce.
Although the industrial sector is the heart of Italian development, the country has a fairly competitive agricultural sector. Italy is the largest wine producer in the world with 44.5 million hectoliters in 2021, according to the International Organization of Vine and Wine. The FAO suggests that in 2018, Italy produced 8.5 million tons of grapes, second only to China.
Wheat, corn, tomatoes, apples, sugar beets (which are second globally produced by Italy, only surpassed by Spain), olives (which generate the second highest production of oil in the world), oranges, rice (with first European production in Italy), potatoes and peaches are the most important crops in the country. Italy is also the world’s largest producer of artichokes, the second of peaches and kiwis, and the third of pears (FAO, 2018).
Italy is currently experiencing an agroecological transformation. In the last ten years, the organic production area (at 2 million hectares, which is only behind Spain and France), has grown by 79%, and the number of holdings, 69%. In fact, the Italian Senate has recently approved a bill on organic farming, and in 2020 the organic market reached 6,900 million euros, of which 4,358 correspond to the national market, according to the Rapporto Bio Bank 2020.
The Italian Government, through the Ministero della Salute, oversees official agriculture data, including crop protection product registration. This database publishes all registered products with its expiries and changes affecting the already approved products.
Homologa® contains the following Plant Protection Product information regarding the Italian dataset, which is updated 12 times a year:
General product information:
- Product name
- Current state (approved/expired)
- Toxicity
- Formulation type and class
- Registration number and date
- Expiration date
- Holder
- Distributor
General Active Ingredient information:
- Active Ingredient name
- Concentration and unit
General usage information:
- Full crop and crop stage information
- Full pest and pest stage information
- Dosage
- Pre-Harvest Interval (PHI)
- Number of treatments and intervals
- Methods of applications (including seed treatments)
- Organic production
- Other GAP info such as site of application
Homologa® also offers links to all product labels published by the Italian Ministry.
Please visit Homologa® or contact us for further information about Italy or any of the 93 countries available in our database.
Sources: International Organisation of Vine and Wine, FAO, Wikipedia, Icex , Rapporto Bio Bank, Ministero della Salute