New Zealand is the 75th largest country in the world. Agriculture accounts as the 3rd largest economic sector in the country, (largest tradable sector in the country). New Zealand exported a total of NZ$ 46.4 billion worth of agricultural products (raw and manufactured) in 2019, 79.6% of total country’s exported goods.
Agricultural area occupies 103,450 km2, being “horticultural land” and “cereal crops” the largest crop groups with around 125,200 and 124,000 hectares respectively (2019). They are followed by “fruit growing land” with around 68,300 hectares (2017), “outdoor vegetable growing” with 45,200 hectares (2017) and “indoor vegetable growing” with 264 hectares. The most important crops, by planted area in the country are, potatoes (9,450 ha.), onions (6,010 ha.), squash (5,790 ha.), peas and beans (4,700 ha.), sweet corn (3,870 ha.), and brassicas (3,630 ha.). The largest indoor crops are tomatoes (84 ha.) and capsicums (61 ha.).
The New Zealand government publishes the list of registered crop protection products and their labels through the New Zealand Food Safety body, being all of them available in Homologa. In addition, Homologa includes details about registered adjuvants used in the country.
Homologa compiles and standardizes this data on a regular basis, uploading the complete dataset 11 times a year. This dataset contains the following information:
General product information:
- Product name.
- Current state (approved/expired).
- Registration number and date.
- Expiration date.
- Holder.
- Manufacturer.
- Toxicity.
General Active Ingredient information:
- Active Ingredient name.
- Concentration and units.
- Formulation type and class.
General usage information:
- Full crop description, including crop stage information.
- Full pest description, including pest stage information.
- Dosage.
- Methods of applications (including seed treatments).
- Number of treatments and intervals.
- Pre-Harvest Interval (PHI).
- Other Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) info such as site of application.
Homologa® also offers links to all original crop protection product labels published by the New Zealand Ministry.
Please visit Homologa® or contact us for further information about New Zealand or any of the 93 countries currently available in our database.
Sources: Wikipedia, FAO, New Zealand Primary Industries Ministry web.