According to the World Bank, the United States of America is the topmost food exporter worldwide. At the same time, it is the largest producer of maize and soy globally, and one of the largest producers of wheat, cotton, potato, peanut, etc. Total farmland in the United States covers 360 million hectares, however just 1% of the national GDP comes from agriculture. Nevertheless, around 20 million full and part-time jobs were related to the agricultural and food sectors in 2020.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) oversees official crop protection data in the country, including crop protection product registrations and MRLs (a.k.a. tolerances). EPA maintains a public database with all registered products which is updated on a weekly basis (every Monday). This database includes products and sites, a concatenation of crop and some other information like methods, stages, and cultivation type (e.g. “Soybeans, edible (seed and pod vegetable) (seed treatment)”, “Tomatoes (greenhouse-foliar treatment)”). EPA does not include information about pests, dosage, etc. and therefore this information is not available in our USA (EPA) dataset (this Plant Protection Products data in USA, is available in our “USA-CDMS” dataset).
Homologa® compiles and standardizes EPA´s data source and uploads the whole dataset almost once a month (10 times a year). The USA (EPA) dataset can be filtered by selecting “USA” in our country filter.
Homologa® contains the following information regarding the USA (EPA) dataset:
General product information:
- Product name
- Current state (approved/expired)
- Formulation type and class
- Registration number and date
- Expiration date
- Holder
General Active Ingredient information:
- Active Ingredient name
- Concentration and unit
General usage information:
- Full crop information
- Regional restrictions by state (24c)
- Special Local Needs (SLN)
Homologa® also offers links to all product labels published by EPA. In addition, a detailed crop split is performed for all original crop groups according to national standards and/or relevant descriptions.
Please visit Homologa® or contact us for further information about USA (EPA) or any of the 93 countries available in our database
Source: World Bank, USDA and Stadista