The current National Food Safety Standard for Maximum Residue Limits in Foods GB2763-2021 covers the maximum residue limits (MRLs) for pesticides in China.
This standard was published on March, 3, 2021 and entered into force on September, 3, 2021.
Since the aforementioned standard was published, China has submitted to the World Trade Organization (WTO) a Maximum Residue Limits draft published on December, 3, 2021: G/SPS/N/CHN/1242 .
Click here to access the original document in Chinese.
Click here to access the original document translated by The American Service FAS at USDA.
Out team at Homologa® has performed an additional translation which has been contrasted with the above-mentioned ones, together with our signature “crop split” procedure, meaning that all crop groups were split into the exact individual crops (e.g. an MRL set for citrus has been split into all the commodities included in the citrus group as defined by the Chinese legislation: orange, lemon, etc.).
At the same time, our team continues to compile and implement future MRLs in China as well, which will allow users to compare current in force MRLs and their not-in-force-proposed future values (while available).
In that regard, the WTO notification G/SPS/N/CHN/1242 proposes certain MRLs reductions. For example, Imidacloprid MRL in kiwis has been proposed to be lowered from 5 ppm (current) to 2 ppm (future); Procymidone MRL in watercress from 30 ppm to 10 ppm; Glufosinate-ammonium MRL in some citrus from 0.5 ppm to 0.05 ppm, etc.
The complete up-to-date dataset for current and proposed Chinese MRLs is already available in Homologa®. All these implementations establish Homologa® as the most complete tool in the market while working with MRLs both in China and globally.
Please visit Homologa® or contact us for further information about out China dataset or any of the 120 MRLs datasets currently available in our database.
Image: CGTN