FoodChain ID Acquires Lexagri.

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Food industry

Compare destination and origin market MRLs, monitor treatment alternatives and ensure producer and supplier compliance with common public or private standards.

The FOOD INDUSTRY uses Homologa® to:

Compare pesticide Maximum Residue Levels in destination and origin markets

Receive regular updates on viable product alternatives

Ensure producer and supplier compliance with public or private standards

Make reference data available to all participants of the supply chain

Compliance requirements regarding regulations, standards, ecological and social principles govern the global food industry like no other. Homologa® brings you closer to achieving farm-to-fork traceability by providing harmonized Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs) data for all registered crop protection products. This allows comparison of requirements in import destination markets and export markets, and gives an overview of the private standards regulations to be kept. Constant updates ensure that the most recent requirements are available for all affected markets around the clock.

Use the Homologa® database services today to speed up your sourcing procedures, save time on meticulous research and refer to one single legally-compliant datasource. Links to the original data sources provide full transparency. Embed Homologa® data streams in your grower and supplier solutions to avoid accidental non-compliance, set and receive alerts to your inbox on registration or MRL changes, bans or valid product alternatives. All data is available in English and local languages, harmonized and structured to allow global comparison. Start speaking Homologa® today.