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India: new Plant Protection Product registrations

India registered 114 new plant protection products in the last month, among them: A new herbicide from UPL on Maize, soybean and wheat: PYROXASULFONE 85% WG A ... Read more→

The Netherlands: new Plant Protection Product registrations

The Netherlands registered five new plant protection products in the last month, among them: A new PGR from ADAMA on pomefruits: BREVIS SG (Metamitron) A new fungicide ... Read more→

USA: new MRLs

USA EPA sets new tolerances for Rimsulfuron on Pomegranate and Tropical and subtropical, small fruit, edible peel, subgroup 23A, in addition to the exemption from ... Read more→

Canada: new MRLs

Canada published new established MRLs for Mecoprop (consulted via PMRL2022-17) and Dicamba (consulted via PMRL2022-18) and new proposed MRLs for Sodium Acifluorfen (PMRL2023-01), Spiropidion (PMRL2023-02) ... Read more→

Argentina: new Plant Protection Product registration

Argentina registered two Syngenta plant protection products: VANIVA 45 SC and VICTRATO 50 FS both including Cyclobutrifluram as Active Ingredient. These products and all related information about ... Read more→

Estonia: new Plant Protection Product registrations

Estonia registered three new plant protection products in the last month: A new PGR from Syngenta on cereals: REGUCIL START (Trinexapac-ethyl) A new fungicide from Sharda Cropchem ... Read more→

Austria: new Plant Protection Product registrations

Austria registered 18 new plant protection products in the last month, among them: A new fungicide from Bayer CropScience on grapes: MELODY SUPER (Folpet + Fosetyl ... Read more→

India: new Plant Protection Product registrations

India registered 91 new plant protection products in the last month, among them: A new insecticide from Corteva on wheat: SULFOXAFLOR 11.4% SC A new insecticide/fungicide seed ... Read more→

The Netherlands: new Plant Protection Product registrations

The Netherlands registered nine new plant protection products in the last month, among them: A new fungicide from BASF on potatoes, grapes and others: BELANTY (Mefentrifluconazole) A ... Read more→

Switzerland: new Plant Protection Product registrations

Switzerland registered 143 new plant protection products in the last month, among them: A new insecticide from Agroline on fruits and crops in glass house: ADALIAPAK ... Read more→

Austria: new Plant Protection Product registrations

Austria registered 13 new plant protection products in the last month, among them: A new herbicide from Barclays on cereals and corn: VALENTIA (Florasulam + Fluroxypyr) A ... Read more→

Canada new MRLs

MRLs for Quizalofop-ethyl have been established (consulted via PMRL2022-15) and new MRLs for Pyrifluquinazon have been proposed (consulted PMRL2022-22). All related information about the latest crop ... Read more→

The Netherlands: new Plant Protection Product registrations

The Netherlands registered five new plant protection products in the last month, among them: A new fungicide from Sharda Cropchem on pome fruits: CAPITAL (Captan) A new ... Read more→

USA-EPA: new Plant Protection Product registrations

USA-EPA registers a product from Amoéba SA manufacturing: MAKYCIN (Lysate Willaertia magna C2c Mak ). Willaertia magna is an amoeba used to fight downy mildew in grapes with ... Read more→

Germany: new Plant Protection Product registrations

Germany registered 73 new plant protection products in the last month, among them: A new herbicide from Globachem on potatoes: CHANON (Aclonifen) A new fungicide seed treatment ... Read more→

Switzerland: new Plant Protection Product registrations

Switzerland registered 9 new plant protection products in the last month, among them: A new herbicide from Syngenta on cereals: TRAXOS 50 EC (Clodinafop-propargyl + Pinoxaden ... Read more→

The Netherlands: new Plant Protection Product registrations

The Netherlands registered 6 new plant protection products in the last month, among them: A new herbicide from Sharda Cropchem on OSR: FREQUENT (Fluazifop-P-butyl)A new fungicide ... Read more→

Brazil: new active ingredient

Brazil proposed a new active ingredient, Pinoxadem through the Public Consultations nº 1119 published on October 13, 2022. All related information about the latest crop ... Read more→

Estonia: new Plant Protection Product registrations

Estonia registered two new plant protection products in the last month: A new herbicide from Globachem on grass and lawn: OVERTAKE (Florasulam + Fluroxypyr)A new herbicide ... Read more→

Germany: new Plant Protection Product registrations

Germany registered 59 new plant protection products in the last month, among them: A new herbicide from ADAMA on cereals: TACTIC (Pendimethalin + Flufenacet + Diflufenican)A ... Read more→