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UK: new Plant Protection Products registrations

UK registered a BASF herbicide for wheat-winter: LUXINUM PLUS. It is the first product containing Cinmethylin to be registered in the UK. This product and all the related information ... Read more→

Japan: new Plant Protection Products registrations

Japan registered a new Sumitomo fungicide on sugar beet against leaf-spot: ヘッジ水和剤 (hedgeWP, reg. num. 24629). This plant protection product features the first ever Metyltetraprole+Copper-hydroxide ... Read more→

Germany: new Plant Protection Products

Germany registered 68 new plant protection products in the last month, among them: A new fungicide from Certiplant on fruits: DODIFUN SC (Dodin)A new fungicide from ... Read more→

South Korea: new Plant Protection Products

South Korea registered a new insecticide from Syngenta on pomefruits and others: 인시피오. Active ingredients: isocycloseram and plinazolin. This product and all the related data ... Read more→

Estonia: new Plant Protection Products

Estonia registered a new herbicide from Sharda Cropchem on cereals and others: EMDEE (MCPA) This product and all the related data about the latest crop protection ... Read more→

USA-EPA: new MRLs tolerances

The USA-EPA has set new tolerances for Thiamethoxam on Pineapple and Pineapple, process residue as described in the following Federal Register: 2022-12880Download This information and all related ... Read more→

We are hiring!

We are hiring! Are you interested in Agriculture data? Are you looking for an international experience while working in a hybrid (remote/office) position? We might ... Read more→

Slovenia: new Plant Protection Products registrations and emergency permits

Slovenia has registered six new plant protection products, four of them emergency permits for use until August/September 2022: BELOUKHA, an herbicide from Belchim Crop Protection, valid ... Read more→

Brazil: new MRLs and Active Ingredients

The Ministry of Brazil proposed new MRLs for Abamectin, Benzovindiflupyr, Chlorothalonil, Cyproconazole, Cyprodinil, Fludioxonil, Fluopyram, Glyphosate, Mancozeb, Methoxyfenozide, Propiconazole, Triclopyrbutyl and Thiamethoxam through Public Consultations ... Read more→

Switzerland: new Plant Protection Products registrations

Switzerland registered 1 new plant protection product and a new adjuvant from UPL: SILWET L-77 (Polyalkyleneoxide) in the last month. These products and all the ... Read more→

Austria: new Plant Protection Products registrations

Austria registered 12 new Plant Protection Products in the last month, among them: A insecticide from BASF on ornamentals and strawberry: NEALTA (Cyflumetofen)A fungicide from Syngenta ... Read more→

Sweden: new Plant Protection Products registrations

Sweden registered new crop protection crops including: NUANCE an herbicide from NUFARM DEUTSCHLAND GMBH for use in cereal grains with TRIBENURON METHYL as active ingredientFLIPPER an ... Read more→

UK: Extension of authorization for a minor use of a plant protection product

The UK registered the use of a Clayton´s fungicide SHIFT (registration number 18881) on outdoor turmeric against Sclerotinia and Alternaria. Details have been included in the following approval: Approval20220856Download This ... Read more→

Netherlands: new Plant Protection Products registrations

The Netherlands registered 11 new plant products in the last month, among them: A new herbicide from Sharda Cropchem on cereals: ARNOLD (Diflufenican + Flufenacet)A new ... Read more→

India: new Plant Protection Products registrations

India registered 68 new plant protection products in the last month, including: A new fungicide from UPL on cucumber: AZOXYSTROBIN 47 G/KG + MANCOZEB 597 G/KG ... Read more→

Brazil: new Plant Protection Products registrations

Brazil registered 28 new products during April 2022 as described in the following legislation: Bistriflurom and Palmistichus elaeisis are present as active ingredient for the first ... Read more→

Nigeria: new Plant Protection Products registrations

A total of 44 new registered plant protection products have been identified in Nigeria in the last two months by our local collaborators. This information ... Read more→

Brazil MRLs: update May 2022

Brazil has defined new MRLs for lambda-cyhalothrin through the Instrução Normativa no. 154-156 on Brazilian Gazette (DOU) on 18/05/2022 At the same time a new monograph ... Read more→

Estonia: new Plant Protection Products registrations

Estonia registered 5 new products in the last month, among them: From Syngenta a herbicide for cereals and vegetables: LINATI 800 EC (Prosulfocarb) and a fungicide ... Read more→

Germany: new Plant Protection Products registrations

Germany registered 52 new plant protection products in the last month, among them: A fungicide from Agronaturalis on several crops: ARMISAN PILZFREI (Kaliumhydrogencarbonat).A insecticide from Danstar ... Read more→