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Austria: new Plant Protection Product registrations

Austria registered two new fungicides: From Arvensis on grapes: XILIVERT (Kaliumphosphonat) From Globachem on fruits, grapes and vegetables: SPEECH (Cyprodinil + Fludioxonil) This information is already available in ... Read more→

The Netherlands: new Plant Protection Product registration

The Netherlands registered a new herbicide from Helm AG on potatoes and corn: RIMURON (Rimsulfuron). This information is already available in Homologa® along with the latest ... Read more→

Belgium: Active ingredient modification (phosmet)

Belgium has published a notification regarding banning phosmet products in the country derived from a European specification: BORAVI 50 WG, IMIDAN 40 WG, VSM FOSMET ... Read more→

Belgium: Active ingredient modification

Belgium has published a modification about the use of terbuthylazine to a single application every three years on the same plot (max. dose 750 g/ha) ... Read more→

USA-EPA: new MRLs and residue definitions

USA-EPA sets new tolerances for Bicyclopyrone on several commodities and a new residue definition for Tetraacetylethylenediamine (TAED): Find this information together with the most up-to-date Plant ... Read more→

New Zealand: new Plant Protection Product registrations

New Zealand registered two new insecticides: CAPRA from Agri Solutions Limited, active ingredient INDOXACARB, for use in brassicas.CARDINAL from Agri Solutions Limited, active ingredient CHLORPYRIFOS, for ... Read more→

Germany: new Plant Protection Product registrations

Germany registered three new Plant Protection Products: A new fungicide from Corteva Agriscience on cereals: QUESTAR (Fenpicoxamid)A new herbicide from BASF on cereals: PICO (Picolinafen)A new ... Read more→

Portugal: new Plant Protection Product registrations

Portugal registered two new fungicides: Teldor SC (Fenhexamid) from Bayer and JANERO 480 SL (Dicamba) from Albaugh. This information is already available in Homologa® together with ... Read more→

Bolivia: new Plant Protection Product registrations

Bolivia is one of the most active countries in South America while registering new Plant Protection Products. A total of 35 new products have been ... Read more→

Brazil: new Plant Protection Product registrations

Brazil registered 25 new plant protection products and 26 new technical products. Mefentrifluconazole registered by BASF, is available as an active ingredient for the first ... Read more→

Spain: Temporary registrations

The Spanish Ministry of Agriculture has temporary authorized sugar beet seeds treated with neonicotinoids (Thiamethoxam 60%) in Castilla y León, Álava, La Rioja and Navarra, ... Read more→

Switzerland: new Plant Protection Product registrations

Switzerland registered two new fungicides: DIFOL (Folpet + Difenoconazole) from Schneiter Agro on pome fruits.DIAGONAL (Azoxystrobin) from Albaugh on several crops. This information is already available in ... Read more→

USA-EPA: new Plant Protection Product registration

USA-EPA registers a Syngenta cross-spectrum herbicide in soybeans: A23372 Tendovo® Herbicide (cloransulam-m+metribuzin+s-metolachlor):,P8_RINUM:534144,100-1684 Find this update together with the most up-to-date Plant Protection Product data in Homologa®. Visit Homologa® or contact ... Read more→

Austria: new Plant Protection Product registration

Austria registered a new fungicide from ISK on grapes, OSR and others: KENJA (Isofetamid). Find this update together with the most up-to-date Plant Protection Product data ... Read more→

Japan: new Plant Protection Product registration

Japan registers a Kumiai herbicide in rice: ハヤドリ1キロ粒剤 (Fenoxasulfone + Fenquinotrione/effeeda): This is the first time, that this active combination has been added in Homologa. Find this update ... Read more→


USA-EPA approved the fungicide #Ipflufenoquin on Almond; Almond, hulls and Fruit, pome, group 11–10. In addition, an exemption was set from the requirement of a ... Read more→

Netherlands: new Plant Protection Product registrations

The Netherlands registered the following new Plant Protection Products: A fungicide from De Sangosse on potatoes: GADAROCK (Potassium phosphonate + Fluazinam) fungicide from ISK on ... Read more→

India: new Plant Protection Product registrations

India registered three new Plant Protection Products: A new insecticide from BASF on chilli and cabbage: CHLORFENAPYR 10% SC.A new fungicide from FMC on grapes, potatoes ... Read more→

Tunisia: Emergency registration

The Ministry of Agriculture of Tunisia has approved an Emergency registration for Azoxystrobin and Trifloxystrobin for use in Citrus against Citrus Black Spot disease Phyllosticta ... Read more→


USA-EPA has defined new MRLs for Fluopyram on Coffee green, beans; Grain, cereal, group 15, except corn and rice; Rapeseed subgroup 20A; Egg; Milk; Cattle, ... Read more→