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On April, 13 the EPA published a rule  FR Doc. 2021–07517 that establishes new MRLs on tea and wheatgrass intermediate feeding materials for MCPA. USA proposed and current MRLs are loaded ... Read more→

Russia published new MRLs list: СанПиН 1.2.3685-21

On January 28, Russian authorities published СанПиН 1.2.3685-21 establishing new MRLs for various pesticides.The complete name of the text is "Russian Hygiene Norm 1.2.3685-21 - ... Read more→

USA-EPA establishes MRLs for fluindapyr

On March, 9 the EPA published the rule FR Doc. 2021-04786 that sets pesticide tolerances for fluindapyr. USA proposed and current MRLs are loaded and up-to-date in Homologa® database.   Please ... Read more→

USA-EPA sets new MRLs for tetraniliprole and oxalic acid

On February, 24 the EPA published the rule FR Doc. 2021-03624  that sets pesticide tolerances for tetraniliprole. Besides, on February, 23 published the rule FR Doc. 2021-03256  that elminates ... Read more→

Great Britain updated MRLs for 5 active substances

Through GB MRL 2021/001 amendment, the  Health and Safety Executive (HSE) raised the MRLs for 5 active substances. The modified MRLs have been published the ... Read more→


On April 12, 2021 Brazilian gazette published  new MRLs through resolutions 1420-1444 for the following substances: abscisic-acid, cymoxanil, flutriafol, glyphosate, profenofos, tebuconazole, trifluralin and  zeta-cypermethrin Brazilian proposed and ... Read more→

Great Britain MRLs standard available in Homologa database

Since 1st January 2021, Great Britain has its own MRL setting process independant from the EU. Great Britain will continue to follow the EU MRLs figures ... Read more→

China announces a new MRL standard: GB 2763-2021

What is the current situation? GB2763-2019 is currently applicable. This 2019 standard was published on 15 August 2019 and came into effect on 15 February 2020. ... Read more→

Brazil sets MRLs for isofetamid

On March, 15 Brazilian agency ANVISA published in the Brazilian gazette (DOU) the resolutions 1053-1055 These resolutions establish new MRLs for isofetamid and update some tolerances for azoxystrobin Brazilian proposed and ... Read more→

Brazil changes MRL monographs

On March, 8 Brazilian agency ANVISA published in the Brazilian gazette (DOU) the resolutions 946-958 These resolutions enforce changes on the MRL monographs for the following ... Read more→

Food and Trade Statistics 2019 available in Homologa

Food and Trade Statistics 2019 are available in Homologa right now. The source of this data is United Nations-Comtrade. For the first time, Homologa® includes the aggregated ... Read more→

USA-EPA approves 96 new agrochemicals

On February 2, USA-EPA released a new list of plant protection products registered in the US. 96 new products were detected by Homologa. 20 of ... Read more→

China MRL 2020 Year in review

The Chinese standard GB2763-2019 sets the MRLs that currently applies for plant protection products’ residues in China. This standard was published on 15 August, 2019 and ... Read more→

Belgium implements new GAP for Tau-fluvalinate PPP

On May 7th, Belgium set new GAP (good agricultural practices) for Tau-fluvalinate PPPs (Plant protection products). Following EU MRL revision and SANTE proposal for reducing the ... Read more→

Metalaxyl-M ban on outdoor seed treatments comes effective

On 20 May 2020 the European Commission Decision EU 2020/617 was published. This document renewed Metalaxyl´s use in the EU and, at the same time, it restricted its use ... Read more→

Japan registers a oxazosulfyl product

On March 2021, Japan registered a plant protection product containing oxazosulfyl for the first time. The trade name is アレス箱粒剤3(ares Box GR 3) and it is approved ... Read more→

26 RASFF alerts in agricultural products coming from Turkey

So far 26 rapid alerts (RASFF) have been published this month reporting exceedances and usage of non-registered substances in agricultural products coming from Turkey into ... Read more→

Sri Lanka is now available in Homologa Registration modules

Sri Lanka is now available in Homologa® Registrations modules. The source of data was provided by the Office of the Registrar of Pesticides, Department of ... Read more→

Slovakia registrations data revised

Slovakia is now available in Homologa® Registrations modules with more details than before. GAP information is more detailed (stages, methods, intervals in between treatments, maximum ... Read more→

Poland extends temporary permit for Cruiser in OSR

On May 11, Poland extended the temporary permit for Cruiser OSR 322 FS (Thiamethoxam) in oil seed rape (OSR). This permission will last until 28 September 2020. Thiamethoxam ... Read more→